What is your preferred language?
Landlord's Name
Other Race
How much is the new monthly rent?
How much rent do you owe?
How many months are you behind in rent?
How many months are you behind?
How much do you owe on your mortgage?
If yes, how long ago or are you currently experiencing abuse?
What kind of housing subsidy do you have? (Section8, MRVP, Public Housing, Rent is based on your income)
If you have applied for or received fuel assistance this season, how long ago/when?
Other Source(s) of Income (please list)
If Yes, you have been in the last five years or are currently employed, what is the name of the employer or business?
List the total amount of checking & savings accounts, stocks, etc.
Upside413 provides the following housing counseling services: Rental and Fair Housing counseling for tenants and landlords, Mortgage Delinquency and Default counseling for homeowners, Homelessness Prevention and Resolution Services, and Dispute Resolution Programming. In addition, Upside413 offers the Tenancy Preservation Program and the Consumer Counseling Program. Housing Counseling clients are not obligated to use any other product or services offered by this agency, its affiliates, or partners. Upside413 will provide information on alternative services, programs, and products. Clients should consider a variety of resources and options and upon evaluation select resources that best meet their needs. Financial support for the Housing Counseling Program is provided by some of the following organizations: Massachusetts Bar Foundation, HUD Office of Housing Counseling, Division of Banks, and Housing & Consumer Education Centers. I/We understand that it is my/our right and responsibility to decide whether to engage in any course of housing counseling with Upside413 and to determine whether counseling is suitable for my/our housing problem. I/We understand that Upside413 provides information on a broad range of housing programs and products and that the housing counseling I receive from Upside413 in no way obligates me to choose any loan product or housing program discussed in my counseling sessions. I/We understand that Upside413 does not guarantee that I/We will receive mortgage financing form any lender and/or other mortgage financing entity. I/We may be referred to other housing services of the organization or to another agency or agencies as appropriate that may be able to assist with concerns that have been identified. I/We understand that a counselor may answer questions and provide information but cannot give legal advice. If I want legal advice, I will be referred for appropriate assistance. I/We understand that information and data regarding your Housing Counseling case may also be shared with the funders of the program you are participating in with Upside413. The specific funding agencies are HUD and/or Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA). Said information sharing may include allowing access by HUD and/or CHAPA to your file for the purpose of oversight of the grant that funds the program you are participating in through Upside413. I/We understand that information and data regarding my Housing Counseling case may also be shared with Community Legal Aid for the purpose of accessing legal advice pertaining to my housing issue. By typing your full name below, you agree to the Services Disclosure Statement & Consent of Release of Information above. *
All information presented above, including income of all household members, is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that by signing below I am giving permission to Hearthway, UpSide413, ServiceNet, Soldier On and all C.O.C. Partnering Agencies to share this Assessment, and other provided information, in order to coordinate the most effective and efficient services to my household. I understand that this permission is given pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 66A of Massachusetts General Law, the Fair Information Practice Act. This consent automatically expires one year from date signed or when services are terminated, whichever occurs first. By typing your full name in the box below, you agree to the consent and release above. *