Our Equity Pledge
We commit to work to become better aware of the different types of inequities that exist in our workplace and our communities through trainings, discussions, and further exploration.
We commit to take steps to address the different types of inequities that do or may exist in our workplace, with our governance and within the community we serve.
We will be conscious in our hiring and personnel decisions of our goal that our staff should be diverse, equitable, inclusive (“DEI”) and able to represent the communities that we serve.
We will be conscious in our consideration of new board members of our goal that the board should be diverse, equitable, and inclusive (“DEI”).
We will strive to develop a qualified and effective board that is best able to represent our organization and the communities we serve.
We believe that self-reflection and awareness is critical, that diverse, equitable and inclusive representation should be reflected by our board, our employees, and in the programming and services that we provide in
our community.